Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs

January Horoscope 2014

December 22 - January 19
You are headed to make some very positive New Year changes that point
you into a new direction.  Do not come on too strong in a work
situation, try to seek common ground in working  this out.
Love- wise its all about being patient and not taking control.

January 20 - February 18
A close bond is strengthened only if you tune out distractions and show you care.
Lots of unexpected changes  professionally.
Good news is on its way.  Singles can expect a marriage proposal.

February 19 - March 20
Work-wise you are forging new arrangements that work well with everyone.
Share your expertize in your field thru teaching or mentoring as
you will be rewarded. Pay attention to your health this year, you will be
glad you did.  Socializing introduces you to someone new.

March 21-April 19
Partners are really on your side, and the future looks bright this month.
Wait a while if thinking of moving or selling your property until March.
A professional plan needs a lot more time and attention.  Walking
helps you think better, and calms the mind..

April 20 - May 20
Its all about hard work this month and keeping your nose to the grindstone.
Faraway places attract you, so you could be planning a well deserved
vacation at a later date.  The 30th sees you forfilling a long held dream.
Expect a visit from someone who lives in a different city.

May 21 - June 20
Career-wise dream big, new financial copportunities
come your way. Take time to think and meditate on them,
and don't doubt your choices even though you have
to wait a couple of months to cash in.  Love-wise all is well.

June 21 - July 22
Its all about partnerships and leaving the past behind and
a new you.  You are not sure of the road ahead but give
others the time and space they need to sort out their affairs.
Your time in the sun is just about due. 
Family-wise the domestic scene takes center stage.

July 23 - August 22
Your social life is bringing with new people and friends.
You need to speak frankly to a loved one. Trust your
instincts you will say the right thing.
Month's end you make progress career-wise that
has you smiling!

August 23 - September 22
Its all about how much love you can share.. Socially this is a very active
phase though love may prove confusing but you can count on a happy
resolution in the future. A work situation demands your clever thinking
and problem- solving and smarts to  follow thru and  save the day.

September 23 - October 22
Facing facts and stating your needs is what it is all about this month. Take your authority back
and claim your place in the order of things.  Look at new career offers and network.
 At the end of the month your social life enters a sizzling phase.

October 23 - November 21
A new path opens up.You have some great ideas but be open to others suggestions.
You will forge some new agreements. Romantic wise show someone you care, and allow
your intuition to guide you. Let the pass go, the future for love  is amazing.

November 22 - December 21
Getting  hold of your afairs is your main focus. A better money arrangement comes about.
You make your voice heard in your career. A new idea will take time to work out.
Don't dwell on the past, what leaves your life is a blessing in disguise.

Judy Hevenly, Psychic/Astrologer
Tel: 310 820 7280 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs


November 23 – December 21

December is a lively period for you.
Stabilize new financial arrangements.
and plan an exciting adventure next
year. Wherever you travel you will
return  a new you, and fortune will
smile down on you.

December 22 – January 20

You look and feel fabulous. Your upbeat mood
and optimism helps you speed through everything
from partying to holiday shopping.  Circle New Year's
Eve as a very lucky day.

January 21– February 19

Your poise under pressure serves you well,
as you keep busy in this holiday period.
Flirting on line sees you with a new admirer.
who opens your  heart to love. Wear
red to impress this holiday season.

February 20 – March 20

You have a wonderful time with family and friends
revisiting memory lane.  A special person in your
life touches you with an act of generousity.
Christmas Eve sees you spending time
with loved ones,and getting up early
Sunday for morning for mass.
March 21– April 20

Make sure to schedule in some 'me time,' nearer
the holidays. Thanks to faraway family members coming
back to visit your home will be a busstle with bliss
over the Christmas period. Have you been naughty
or good? Make sure Santa knows your wish..

April 21– May 21

Your love life is taking an upward turn.  You feel
confident and happy at this time. Love, friendship,
and happiness are all yours this holiday season.
Take time to give to the poor, or take a senior
under your wing, to make sure their Christmas
is as happy as yours. 
May 22 – June 21

What a month to make an impression if single,
A very determined Cupid might have something
to say about this.  Mid-month your career is back
on track.You will cover more ground and live
more fully.  
June 22 – July 22

You'll enjoy a wonderful holiday time,as you count
both tangible and spiritual blessings. Family leads to
'couple times,' when love is in the air. Profession
developments shine a a bright light on your talents
and accomplishments. Know other intentions are pure.

July 23 – August 23

This month it is all about getting out and about and
been seen. Your social calendar should be keeping you
very busy.  Reach out and communicate with one
and all. Your star shines brightly at work, and the
effort you put in day by day, pays off big in 2014.

 August 24– September 23

Down to earth Virgos need to face facts, and
examine options while waiting to sign
on the dotted line before everything falls into place.
Your public image will be enhanced by whatever
you take on. Remember to still get some exercise
while you are stuffing yourself with holiday goodies.


September 24 – October 23
Lots of fun parties to lift your mood and elevate the way you think.
A flirty encounter will have you smiling.  Everything seems to
run like clockwork this holiday season, as you shop for gifts,
and get off holiday greetings. Career-wise you soar to
great heights and romantically magic is in the air.

October 24– November 22

You get a better grip on your finances this December and make
new arrangements to save. A holiday getaway boosts your spirits,
and what's going on in your love life is telling you to communicate
clearly. Enjoy  New Year's Eve for its the start of something new! 

Judy Hevenly, Psychic/Astrologer
Tel: 310 820 7280 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs


October 23 – November 21

You are on the brink of a whole new cycle
where you will be at the right place at the right time.
Explore your options both in your personal and
private life. Watch those situations that are not
supported by facts.

November 22  – December 21

The new moon on the 5th says to go forward with a
work opportunity and a new person in your life. .
Enjoy the last rays of the autumn's sun, as you
look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving!
A lotto win has you smiling!

December 22 – January 19

There is an eclipse on the 3rd which is lucky for you
causing a turning point in your life.
You are in agreement with everyone you met
and you see a quite a few job offers
as you enjoy your private time with family and friends.

January 20 – February 18

There is a lot more responsibiliy in your life now.
Mercury turning direct on the 10th says pay more
attention to family and home. Try to not take on other
peoples problems. The 30th sees a lucky
break break for you, and more fun on the horizon.

February 19 – March 20

Its an important month with critical changes up ahead.
Mid-month you sever ties with the past and embrace
positive changes in your love life.. Partners feel
energized and excited by the new you, and the stars give
you a boost.  

March 21 – April 19

Do not be affected by those around going through changes.
All is well in your world. Whatever happens fortune beckons and Jupiter
planet of good fortune is ready to bestow her blessings on you. The 28th
brings you the right kind of people to go after a long sought goal.

April 20 – May 20

Relationships are in the spotlight in November and ready for change. Be prepared
to make adjustments, as others see turbulent
times but you have both feet on the ground and lend them strength.
Whatever happens at month's end set the stage for a new understanding.

May 21 – June 20

The more organized you are both personally and career-wise the better you fair now. 
The key to resisting health imbalances is managing stress.
Organization  keeps you on track with the big picture. This is not the time to give your power
away to others. You gain more recognition.   Creative wise, the dream is closer.

June 21 – July 22

Put a non so feasible plan on the back burner.  In your career remember its not all right or wrong. Detours can be fun.  Celestial influence make you more diplomatic.
Heavenly Venus in your love relationships sees lots of romance with a loved
one and children.  Helping with a 'creative,' idea brings you money. 

July 23 – August 22

Go with the changes this month both in your domestic life and career.
Delay  crucial decisions until  planet Mercury goes forward on the 10th.
Face  your fears and get a new handle on your future,
Dare to make a fresh start.  You're a genius.
August 23 – September 22

You may find yourself worrying and doubting your choices this month.
Wait until 15th, to make important decisions.  Venus the planet of love enters your sign at
months end, then you get all the right responses from loved ones.
Entertain in style this Thanksgiving.

September 23 - October 22

End  unrewarding situations, and set a different financial course to obtain the security you want. Any domestic changes will do you good.  FamIly differences resolve of their own accord. Take time to visit with friends. Early holiday shopping is favored, and a prayer
offered for a loved one is answered..

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs



September 23 –October 22

Lucky you, its the beginning of Fall and good fortune is headed your way..
You're getting good news about a money matter, also your health is on an upward swing.
A new friendship  is up ahead. Halloween will be fun with family and friends.

October 23 – November 21

You feel generous this October and will help a family member with some money.
Workwise your quick thinking and snappy ideas earn you extra cash.
Around the 14th, the health of a relative or pet will concern you.   Take a well
deserved break at the end of the month by taking a mini vacation.

November 22 – December 21

Take time to turn inwards as the weather gets colder. Times of solitude and meditation
turn up answers to your most pressing problems. Share your wishes with the Universe
and  truly expected them to be granted. Create memories with loved ones around

December 22 – January 19

Listen closely to your inner voice around the 7th. Do what makes you the happiest.
Dreams could be particularly revealing.  The gift of the gab is yours.
Use this to your advantage in love and money matters. Where children are
concerned a sense of humor will save the day.

January 20 – February 17

The Full moon on 18th October is coming together to fulfill a secret dream. Now is the time
to put your plans in action that you have held close to your heart for many years. 
Slowly these plans will become a reality. Halloween sees you full of laughter and
fun and children will enjoy your company...

February 18 – March 19

You are going to learn something; news about a loved one, partner or someone
you just met. Be cautious, and keep to yourself, being too friendly with anyone at this
time will cost you.   As the month progresses shop early for holiday bargains,

March 20 – April 19

You are so wanting to be free of responsibility.  You are going to explore another side
of your personality and find out truly where you are headed.   Romance is in the air.
Someone new is coming in your life.  Make sure to schedule all medical check ups
before the end of the year.

April 20 - May 20

Create some  quiet time for yourself after challening times at work. Rest, relaxation
will restore your vitality. . Writing down your thoughts will clarify a situation that has
perplexed you.  Plan ahead a budget you can keep to for the new year.
Check your mail frequently an important e-mail is on its way.


May 21 – June 20

You have high energy this month. You are drawn to the unusual and could start a
fashion  trend with a new wardrobe..  Consider hosting a Halloween party for
family and friends..  The planet of good fortune sends you a surprise invitation
before the end of the month.

June 21 – July 22

You feel creative this month and discover a hidden talent of your own. Singles find
a temporary disturbance on the home front however this will soon smooth out.
The night of the full moon could bring an  exciting new financial beginning. 
Make sure all home appliances are in order before Winter starts in.

July 23 – August 22

October sparks your spirit of adventure. Take a chance and learn something
new. You could receive the recognition you deserve.   Be cautious about
partnerships of any kind romantic or financial, as you could feel trapped.
2014 is a better year to commit.

August 23 – September 22

Home is your favorite place to be now.  Relax and take it easy
as next month  you will be busy. In the quietness you will resolve a long
standing problem and new ideas could come to you. Make plans early
to travel over the holiday period.

Judy Hevenly, Psychic/Astrologer
Tel: 310 820 7280