Saturday, December 26, 2015

                                     HOROSCOPE - JANUARY HOROSCOPE 2016
December 22 - January 19
A happy month.  You build a strong career foundation. You have a deep
urge to be more creative. Other adapt to your new ideas. You make
good progress and your positive earnings have a rippling effect in
your personal life.
January 20 - February 18
Its all about feeling good in January.  You are able to create positive
conditions and circumstances around you. Your energy is at an all time
high. Events in your life move forward. Allow yourself to love and be
February 19 - March 20
Go forward positively with your goals this month. The Universe
is behind you. A new chapter is emerging in your life. New people
enter who help your career.  Singles see love improve, and
those married Pisceans take on a new outdoor exercise program.
March 21-April 19
A new beginning in your life. Your creatively is at an all time high.
Happiness with family and children. Take care of financial obligations
early and set time aside for quiet reflection and prayer.
A good time to pay attention to your diet.
April 20 - May 20
January is for sorting out home and property issues.  Handle minor
health issues early.  Mid month your luck improves. Focus on other people
and their needs rather than yourself. After the 15th new money
opportunities present themselves.
May 21 - June 20
 You listen to ideas that your co-workers present. Adapt to new circumstances
rather than setting on a new direction. Good comes by way of new
people and networking. Mid-month your thoughts turn to travel.  Foreigners
prove lucky. .
June 21 - July 22
The full moon on January 12th and new Moon 28th see you presenting
a new you. Try to adapt to career situations instead of changing them.
Keep the channels of communication open. Negotiate and set fresh
goals. New and wealthy ideas come to you.
July 23 - August 22
Let go and allow events to happen instead of controlling them.
Its all about people pleasing and forging new career relationships.
Month’s end singles find a new lover and married Leos become
more amorous. Month’s end hit the gym or modify your diet.
August 23 - September 22
Don’t loose yourself in your efforts to make everyone else happy.
Be kind to yourself and take time out to think about new financial
goals. If looking for work many opportunities present themselves.
Romance wise you are more passionate than usual.
September 23 - October 22
Get in touch with your feelings and emotions this January. Be
calm as you approach work issues and personal matters. This is not
a good time to engage in power struggles. .Agree
quickly with everyone and all will be well. 
October 23 - November 21
A great month with most of your planets moving forward. This
means you will make great strides in your career. A move or
renovation on your home is possible. Love and romance take back
seat as flirtations prove better than real time romance.
November 22 - December 21
A for filling and practical month. You have a lot coming up for you.
You are able to create conditions and circumstances as you want them.
Others adapt to you.  Build a solid foundation. Love wise you are magnetic
and full of grace.