Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs

January Horoscope 2014

December 22 - January 19
You are headed to make some very positive New Year changes that point
you into a new direction.  Do not come on too strong in a work
situation, try to seek common ground in working  this out.
Love- wise its all about being patient and not taking control.

January 20 - February 18
A close bond is strengthened only if you tune out distractions and show you care.
Lots of unexpected changes  professionally.
Good news is on its way.  Singles can expect a marriage proposal.

February 19 - March 20
Work-wise you are forging new arrangements that work well with everyone.
Share your expertize in your field thru teaching or mentoring as
you will be rewarded. Pay attention to your health this year, you will be
glad you did.  Socializing introduces you to someone new.

March 21-April 19
Partners are really on your side, and the future looks bright this month.
Wait a while if thinking of moving or selling your property until March.
A professional plan needs a lot more time and attention.  Walking
helps you think better, and calms the mind..

April 20 - May 20
Its all about hard work this month and keeping your nose to the grindstone.
Faraway places attract you, so you could be planning a well deserved
vacation at a later date.  The 30th sees you forfilling a long held dream.
Expect a visit from someone who lives in a different city.

May 21 - June 20
Career-wise dream big, new financial copportunities
come your way. Take time to think and meditate on them,
and don't doubt your choices even though you have
to wait a couple of months to cash in.  Love-wise all is well.

June 21 - July 22
Its all about partnerships and leaving the past behind and
a new you.  You are not sure of the road ahead but give
others the time and space they need to sort out their affairs.
Your time in the sun is just about due. 
Family-wise the domestic scene takes center stage.

July 23 - August 22
Your social life is bringing with new people and friends.
You need to speak frankly to a loved one. Trust your
instincts you will say the right thing.
Month's end you make progress career-wise that
has you smiling!

August 23 - September 22
Its all about how much love you can share.. Socially this is a very active
phase though love may prove confusing but you can count on a happy
resolution in the future. A work situation demands your clever thinking
and problem- solving and smarts to  follow thru and  save the day.

September 23 - October 22
Facing facts and stating your needs is what it is all about this month. Take your authority back
and claim your place in the order of things.  Look at new career offers and network.
 At the end of the month your social life enters a sizzling phase.

October 23 - November 21
A new path opens up.You have some great ideas but be open to others suggestions.
You will forge some new agreements. Romantic wise show someone you care, and allow
your intuition to guide you. Let the pass go, the future for love  is amazing.

November 22 - December 21
Getting  hold of your afairs is your main focus. A better money arrangement comes about.
You make your voice heard in your career. A new idea will take time to work out.
Don't dwell on the past, what leaves your life is a blessing in disguise.

Judy Hevenly, Psychic/Astrologer
Tel: 310 820 7280